
Raise a toast! The 2020 Market Research Society Virtual Awards Wrap Up

Patricia Petrat

9 min read

Raise a toast! The 2020 Market Research Society Virtual Awards Wrap Up


We joined our friends and colleagues from around the world for a virtual toast at this year’s Market Research Society MRS Awards. Normally a “must attend” event for the insights industry, the 2020 ceremony – like most other things – looked a bit different this year. However, the end results were the same: the most innovative and forward-thinking marketing research companies, market research technology and consumer insights projects were honored. Cint is proud to have been the presenting sponsor of the awards for the second year in a row. The ceremony was hosted by Bruce Pont, who directed the flow of the virtual event while sipping his drink. Our team presented two of the awards with Greg Dunbar calling out the finalists for the Innovation in Data Analytics Award, which went to Yonder (formerly Populus) & Macmillan, and Indie Blackwell presenting the Research Live Award for Young Researcher of the Year, won by both Tarek Chaudhury of and Bessie Pike of Walnut Unlimited. See below for a complete list of winners in every award category. Twitter was abuzz with the hashtag #MRSawards during the show, as various consumer insights professionals and marketing research companies joined in the social conversation. Here are just a few of our favorites:
  • @DanielSingham Good luck to all the finalists at this year’s #MRSawards #marketresearch: @TweetMRS it has been a challenging year for all but great to see companies and individuals being recognised for their work!
  • @John_Bizzell Backstage gossip: we borrowed the party hat Bruce is wearing from our cameraman Brian’s mum’s dog Maggie, who had her birthday party last week. Thanks Maggie. #MRSawards
  • @FrankumCaroline Fantastic to see the #fabulous @JaneFrostMRS in her bling & raising a glass to #celebrate the hard work, #determination, #resilience & #inspiration from everyone in the #mrx industry at this year’s #MRSawards! #proud that @Kantar was nominated for our work on #Inclusion4All too!
  • @TheICG “Market Research is a critical part of society’s sustainable recovery” says @JaneFrostMRS at this year’s MRS Awards ceremony. #mrsawards
  • @smjef Well done @John_Bizzell and everyone @TweetMRS Brilliant job and almost had the excitement of the real thing!! In added good news my children now have preferred research agencies for when they next come to commission research #MRSawards
Thank you again to everyone who logged in to join us for the 2020 MRS Awards. While it may have not been in person, the ceremony was just as meaningful. Here’s a message from Greg Dunbar, our EVP of Enterprise Solutions:   Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to the consumer insights industry! Winners in other award categories included:


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